Topo's and Guidebook's

Guidebook’s and Topo’s for the El Chorro Area Andalucia Spain


El Chorro and the surroundings are well covered by a large amount of climbing topos and Guidebooks in various languages.


- Escalar en Malaga by Javier Rubiols is
a local photo guide updated in 2010 and
probably the most accurate guide.
No information about the routes and little about the access.
ISBN 84-609-2453-x mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

You can buy this guidebook for 24€ at the Finca la Campana
and in the local climbing shop.






Guia de escalada deportiva andalucia- Escalada en Andalucia by David Munilla a big book with 300 pages
covering most andalucia. For those who want to travel
and see other areas. Basic drawings and some nice climbing pictures.
2nd edicion 2007 ISBN 978-84-9829-097-4 cost 24€ you will find it
at the Finca and in the climbing shop.









Rockfax el chorro- Marc Glaister's El Chorro Rockfax is a well made guide,
which covers el chorro and the surounding areas.
Lots of useful information about the area.
A realy easy tu use guide with colour fotos and selected routes.
Published in 2008, ISBN 978-1-873341-81-0

On sale at the Finca la Campana and in the local climbing shop





 Online Guide, the quickest way to get a 
bunch of good informations about el chorro.
Easy download at



Contact us

  • Finca La Campana El Chorro
  • Phone: +34 626 963 942

Contact us

  • Finca La Campana El Chorro
  • Phone: +34 626 963 942